The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) is the premier venue for disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in Geometry Processing . In this research area, concepts from mathematics, computer science, and engineering are studied and applied to offer new insights and design efficient algorithms for acquisition, modeling, analysis, manipulation, simulation and other types of processing of 3D models and shape collections.
Conference poster: SGP_2020_poster
Note: The current COVID-19 epidemic resulted in a temporary period of social distancing, and consequently brought international travel and people gathering to a halt. This also affects the organization of scientific conferences like SGP 2020. The organizers and the steering committee of SGP must conform to the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). Since we cannot expect the situation to change within the next weeks, the organizers of SGP 2020 and the SGP steering committee have decided to hold SGP 2020 in July not as an on-site conference but rather as an online event with paper presentations and tutorials posted on the conference web-page.
SGP is a major conference at the crossroads between mathematics, computer science, and engineering. Moreover, we see the annual conference as a great platform to exchange ideas in geometry processing and thus keep the research community strong and prolific. As such, we have decided on several alternative measures that compensate for the cancellation of the July event:
- The submission, reviewing, and publication process will
continue as planned without disruption or delay. We will stick to the original schedulebe delayed by 10 days. We will however guarantee that the accepted papers will be published in the Computer Graphics Forum as usual. - The authors of accepted papers, graduate school, and keynote speakers will give their talk through a virtual platform. The exact format of the online conference will be decided soon and be based on (technical and logistic) experiences made with other events such as the Eurographics annual conference.
- Since online meetings can never fully substitute the intensity and inspiration of a face-to-face meeting, we plan to hold a Geometry Processing workshop later this year at Utrecht University (the original location of SGP 2020). This workshop will provide the opportunity to the authors to present their work to the community. While we invite all authors to give a talk at this workshop, the participation is independent from the SGP 2020 publication process.
We hope to see you once this situation clears up, and are looking forward to your submissions!
SGP 2020 is held in cooperation with Eurographics and ACM SIGGRAPH.

Hosting institution:

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