Due to the COVID-19 situation, SGP this year will be held in a combined offline and online virtual form. The videos for paper talks and summer school lectures will be available by 2 July 2020 in our dedicated YouTube channel. You can also leave comments and questions in the videos. Between 6 and 8 July 2020 we will have a virtual conference, comprising Live keynotes, screening of paper talks, Q&A sessions, ceremonies and, for the first time, a town-hall meeting. During The Q&A sessions the chairs will also collect and ask questions that were raised within the video comments.
Online Conference Schedule
13 GMT = 14 BST (British summer time) = 15 CET (Central European time) = 09 ET (East coast time) = 06 PT (Pacific time).
Paper Sessions
Computational Geometry and Fabrication (Tuesday, 13:00-15:00 GMT)
Chair: Pooran Memari
Half-Space Power Diagrams and Discrete Surface Offsets
Zhen Chen; Daniele Panozzo and Jeremie Dumas
Medial Axis Isoperimetric Profiles
Zhang, Paul; Deford, Daryl and Solomon, Justin
Fabricable 3D-QR-Codes with Directional Light
Peng, Hao; Liu, Peiqing; Lin, Lu; Sharf, Andrei; Liu, Lin; Lischinski, Dani and Chen, Baoquan
Approximating Isosurfaces by Guaranteed-Quality Triangular Meshes
Hass, Joel and Trnkova, Maria
Discrete Differential Geometry (Tuesday, 15:30-17:30 GMT)
Chair: Julie Digne
Interpolated Corrected Curvature Measures for Polygonal Surfaces
Lachaud, Jacques-Olivier; Romon, Pascal; Thibert, Boris and Coeurjolly, David
Laplace Operators for Tetrahedral Meshes
Alexa, Marc; Herholz, Philipp; Kohlbrenner, Max and Sorkine-Hornung, Olga
A Discrete Laplacian for Non-Manifold Triangulations
Sharp, Nicholas and Crane, Keenan
A Simple Discretization of the Vector Dirichlet Energy
Stein, Oded; Wardetzky, Max; Jacobson, Alec and Grinspun, Eitan
Deformation (Tuesday, 19:30-21:30 GMT)
Chair: Philipp Herholz
Sparse Data Driven Mesh Deformation
Lin Gao, Yu-Kun Lai, Jie Yang, Ling-Xiao Zhang, Shihong Xia and Leif Kobbelt
Interactive Sculpting of Digital Faces Using an Anatomical Modeling Paradigm
Gruber, Aurel; Fratarcangeli, Marco; Zoss, Gaspard; Cattaneo, Roman; Beeler, Thabo; Gross, Markus and Bradley, Derek
A Parametric Analysis of Discrete Hamiltonian Functional Maps
Postolache, Emilian; Fumero, Marco; Cosmo, Luca and Rodola, Emanuele
Nonlinear Deformation Synthesis via Sparse Principal Geodesic Analysis
Sassen, Josua; Hildebrandt, Klaus and Rumpf, Martin
Meshing (Wednesday, 14:30-16:00 GMT)
Chair: Xifeng Gao
Hexahedral Quality Evaluation via SOS Relaxations
Marschner, Zoë; Palmer, David; Zhang, Paul and Solomon, Justin
Integer-Grid Sketch Simplification and Vectorization
Stanko, Tibor; Bessmeltsev, Mikhail; Bommes, David and Bousseau, Adrien
Cost Minimizing Local Anisotropic Quad Mesh Refinement
Lyon, Max; Bommes, David and Kobbelt, Leif
Surface Reconstruction (Wednesday, 16:20-17:50 GMT)
Chair: Manolis Savva
Poisson Surface Reconstruction with Envelope Constraints
Kazhdan, Misha; Rusinkiewicz, Szymon; Chuang, Ming and Hoppe, Hugues
Learning Part Boundaries from 3D Point Clouds
Loizou, Marios; Averkiou, Melinos and Kalogerakis, Evangelos
Topology-Aware Surface Reconstruction for Point Clouds
Gabrielsson, Rickard Brüel; Ganapathi-Subramanian, Vignesh; Skraba, Primoz and Leonidas J. Guibas
Optimization (Wednesday, 18:10-19:40 GMT)
Chair: Edward Chien
Adaptive Block Coordinate Descent for Distortion Optimization
Naitsat, Alexander; Zhu, Yufeng and Zeevi, Yehoshua Y.
EGGS: Sparsity-Specific Code Generation
Tang, Xuan; Schneider, Teseo; Kamil, Shoaib; Panda, Aurojit; Li, Jinyang and Panozzo, Daniele
Anderson Acceleration for Nonconvex ADMM Based on Douglas-Rachford Splitting
Ouyang, Wenqing; Peng, Yue; Yao, Yuxin; Zhang, Juyong and Deng, Bailin
Machine Learning and Analysis (Wednesday, 20:00-21:30 GMT)
Chair: Mirela Ben-Chen
DFR: Differentiable Function Rendering for Learning 3D Generation from images
Wu, Yunjie and Sun, Zhengxing
Generating Adversarial Surfaces via Band-Limited Perturbations
Mariani, Giorgio; Cosmo, Luca; Bronstein, Alex and Rodola, Emanuele
Consistent ZoomOut: Efficient Spectral Map Synchronization
Huang, Ruqi; Ren, Jing; Wonka, Peter and Ovsjanikov, Maks